The Breath of G-d, photo courtesy Zahavi

Contact: Zahavi

Chantlings meet on zoom or hybrid on the last Sunday of most months at a private location. The format is almost continuous chanting interspersed with kavanot, and mindful guidance, (without conversation) so that people can deepen into their own practice. Most of the chants are from Rabbi Shefa Gold.

Linda Zahavi is a retired psychotherapist, current Spiritual Director (Lev Shomea 2013), artist and Art Therapist. She is a graduate of Rabbi Shefa Gold’s first cohort of the Kol Zimra chant leaders program. She completed (October 2023)  a three year program called Love at the Center, based on Shir HaShirim, taught be Rabbi Shefa Gold and was ordained as Merkavah Ahavah.  She is a service leader/vocalist/prayer leader at P’nai Or, specializing in kirtan-style Kabbalat Shabbat

Sunday, May 26, 11 am-noon, Zoom: Chantlings with Mashpi’ah Zahavi. Contact: Zahavi for link.
